Everyone has some weird habits and rules, and the Royal Family is no exception!
– Any member of the Royal family needs a marriage license from the Queen, otherwise there will be no wedding.
– All members of the Royal family has to travel with black clothing. That way they will have the right outfit if someone dies during their trip.
– The Royal Family is apparently not allowed to play Monopoly since the game tends to become “too vicious”
– Queen Elizabeth II is the only person in the UK allowed to drive without a license.
– Members of the Royal family have to accept all the gifts whatever they are, then the Queen decides what to do with them.
– Queen Elizabeth II doesn’t need a passport to travel. She can just show a coin or a banknote (with her image on it) if she needs it.
– The Queen is not allowed to enter the House of Commons. The last king who did it started the English civil war (1642 – 1651) before being overthrown.