After my apprenticeship and one-year work experience at a bank, I wanted to move abroad. It has always been my dream to move to a big city and leave my boring little home-town in Switzerland. Initially I was so excited but when my departure day came closer, I got so scared. When I arrived in England I
couldn’t believe that I would live here for 6 months, it felt more like I was going on a short trip to London.
Before I started my internship, I had one week ‘off’ and used this time to try to visit as many places and see as much as possible. Luckily London had a heat wave so the weather was amazing. But I wanted to visit too much, so unfortunately I did not have enough time.

When I started my internship by London Homestays I realized that I really made it and that a new part of life begins. I’m very happy to have the opportunity to work for this company. I do administration work like bookings and some marketing task such as writing this blog. 🙂
In my first week, I visited a number of student residences and their areas the residences are located in. Is there anything better than spending the day outside at 30 degrees than in the office…? So I enjoyed it and it was very exciting to explore the unknown places because I don’t know London really well. Moreover I was able to do some sight-seeing as well. Click here if you want to know more about my adventures and which areas I visited.

The internship gives me a lot to develop personally, to improve my English and to make new experiences. This internship will also offer me opportunities in my future because in some companies you have to stand out from the crowd!
Compared to my old work placement in my country it’s so different to work with London Homestays because the atmosphere is more comfortable. Everyone understands each other very well, we talk about our weekends or funny moments. We get our lunch from KFC on cheat days or eat the best doughnuts ever from the bakery next to us. My workdays are enhanced by ‘Harry’ the office dog. He is so cute and I love meeting him in the office each day.
At the weekend, I spend time with friends and enjoy going to clubs or pubs. I already visited some typical tourist stuff but I still have some things to do because there is so much to visit. If the weather gets worse I would like to visit a lot of museums.
It’s already been three weeks ago since I’ve been to London… Time has passed so quickly and I’m looking forward to the next few months. It’s a very exciting time and I enjoy working for London Homestays and working with my colleagues. Click here if you want to know more about our team!